Pharmaceutical History of India
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 978-81-85731- 55-1; 1st Ed. 2011; pp.xvi+322

   Delhi price: 450      Outside Delhi price: 475      Overseas price : 630

 About The Book  

   Pharmaceutical History of India projects a composite picture of the pharmaceutical developments which have taken place during the last couple of centuries. The text has been prepared for the benefit of the students and general readership of the professional community at large.

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 1. Introduction
 2. Colonial Professions of Medicine and Pharmacy
 3. British Period Pharmacies
 4. Colonial Overseas Drug Trade
 5. Qualified Indian Chemists and Druggists
 6. Compounders’ Community
 7. Pharmacopoeias in Colonial Times
 8. Drugs Enquiry Committee 1930-31
 9. Health Survey and Development Committee
10. Drugs and Pharmacy Statutes
11. Pharmacopoeias and Formularies
12. PCI and Education for Pharmacy Practice
13. Baccalaureate Education
14. Postgraduate Studies and Research
15. AICTE and Pharmaceutical Education
16. Pharmacy Faculties
17. Pharmacy Ethics
18. Hospital Pharmacy
19. Retail and Community Pharmacy
20. Rural Pharmacy
21. Pharmaceutical Industry
22. Biographies