Drug Screening Techniques
—Pharmacological Methods
  by Kamal Kishore Maheshwari
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-91-9; 1st Ed. 2015; Rpt 2023 (updated); pp.xii+354

   Delhi price: 320      Outside Delhi price: 336      Overseas price : 960

 About The Book  

   The most important part of the drug discovery is pharmacological screening for the evaluation of biological activity, efficacy and safety of novel compounds in biological system. This book contains numerous simple and widely accepted techniques of drug evaluation in precise and concise manner. These techniques are often used in various R&D activities in the field of pharmacology, physiology, toxicology and therapeutics. Drug evaluation/screening techniques are also used by learners to interpret the theoretical principles of drug pharmacology. Pharmaceutical industry also utilise the screening techniques to evaluate the in-vivo activities of newly developed dosage forms.
   This book would fulfill practical aspects of curriculum of graduate and post-graduate students of pharmacy, medicine and veterinary sciences. The sections and subsections are divided carefully for ready reference. A brief description about the category of drug and evaluation techniques is incorporated for better understanding in drug development. References for further studies and a list of abbreviations used in the text have also been given.


Ch-1: Principles of Experimental Pharmacology
        (1) Common laboratory animals
        (2) Anaesthetics
        (3) standard techniques
        (4) Basic equipments

Ch-2: Basic Techniques for Drug Evaluation

        (1) Bio-assays
        (2) Pharmacogenology or drug development

Ch-3: Drug Acting on Central Nervous System

        (1) Anti-depressants
        (2) Anti-psychotics
        (3) Anti-schizophrenics
        (4) Anti-epileptics
        (5) Anti-parkinsonian agents
        (6) Anti-anxiety agents
        (7) Anti-stress agents
        (8) Neuromuscular junction blockers
        (9) Learning and memory agents

Ch-4: Drugs Used for Anaesthesia

        (1) General anaesthetic agents
        (2) Local anaesthetic agents

Ch-5: Drugs Acting on Cardiovascular System

        (1) Anti-anginal agents
        (2) Anti-thrombolytic agents
        (3) Anti-arrhythmic agents
        (4) Anti-shock agents
        (5) Anti-hypertensive agents

Ch-6: Drugs Used in Respiretory Disorders

        (1) Anti-cough agents
        (2) Anti-asthmatic agents

Ch-7: Drugs Acting on Gastrointestinal Tract

        (1) Anti-diarrhoheal agents
        (2) Anti-ulcer agents
        (3) Anti-emetic agents

 Ch-8: Drugs Used in Eating Disorders
        (1) Anorexia nervosa
        (2) Bulimia nervosa
        (3) Pica
        (4) Anti-obesity agents

 Ch-9: Drugs Acting on Kideny
        (1) Diuretic agents
        (2) Anti-urolithiasis agents

Ch-10: Drugs Used in Liver Disorders

        (1) Hepatoprotective agents

Ch-11: Drugs Used in Diabetes

        (1) Anti-diabetic agents

Ch-12: Drugs Used in Sexual Disorders

        (1) Anti-fertility agents
        (2) Erectile dysfunctions
        (3) Aphrodisiac agents
        (4) Abortifacient agents

Ch-13: Drugs Used in Pain
        (1) Analgesics
        (2) Anti-inflammatory agents
        (3) Anti-pyretic agents
        (4) Anti-gout agents
Ch-14: Drugs Used for Wound Healing
        (1) Wound healing agents

Ch-15: Drugs Used for Chemotherapy
        (1) Anti-microbial agents
        (2) Anti-malarial agents
        (3) Anthelmintic agents
        (4) Anti-cancer agents
        (5) Immunomodulatory agents

Ch-16: Drugs Used for Hair Disoders
        (1) Anti-baldness agents
            Anti-dandruff agents

Ch-17: Miscellaneous Topics
        (1) Transgenic animals in drug discovery
        (2) Alternatives to animal testing
        (3) CPCSEA guidelines for laboratory animal facility