Presidential Wisdom
  by D.B.A. Narayana
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   ISBN 978-81-904804-7; pp.xxvi+134

   Price in India: 500       price Outside India : US-$ 50

 About The Book  

  Presidential Wisdom, Delhi Pharmaceutical Trust, New Delhi, 2014, edited by Dr. D B A Narayana, 134 pages, price Rs.500/= (USD 50)
   The book is a compilation of the presidential addresses of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress Association (IPCA) delivered by the presidents who presided over the 51st session of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC) in 1999 to 65th IPC held in 2013. For all pharmacists and other professionals involved in pharmaceutical sector IPC is a very important national congregation each year. It is recognized that presiding over any IPC is an honor and IPCs have historic importance. Contemporary issues get debated, discussed during IPCs. The views and leadership thoughts of the presidents set the tone for the profession in its different sectors. Anyone who wishes to review the path of pharmacy sector a look at the wise statements made by IPC presidents is an important step. However in the last decade access to this information is scarce and at times not traceable at all. In such a scenario compiling, editing and making available presidential addresses of the last 15 years of IPC in one book is a commendable job.
   A review of the 15 presidential wisdom addresses in the book provides useful and interesting insights into challenges in quality healthcare for a pharmacist, critical areas of pharma industry, pharmacy education and preparing a future pharmacist, insights into pharmaceutical biotechnology, and discussions on various aspects of pharma vision: 2020. An exhaustive coverage of the Indian Pharma Power House by Mr. Subodh Priolkar (63rd IPC) is a treat to read. Numbers of presidents have talked about pharmacy education and how to empower a pharmacist to support better healthcare seems to be another underlying facet troubling the presidents. The preface written by the editor gives much more interesting and historically important information on developments in the way of IPCA working. Brief but introductory information on IPCA and its federating bodies form part of Annexures. The reproduction of acknowledgements and foreword to the earlier editions of similar compilations (Quintessential Wisdom I and II published by IPCA, edited by M C Bazaz and D B A Narayana) provide historical information of great importance so well written by the lone historian in pharmacy Prof Harkishan Singh.
   Poor documentation being one aspect that is under debate pointed out by FDAUS during their inspection of Indian pharmaceutical firms, documenting this compilation and publishing same by the Trust is commendable. The book is recommended to be a part of libraries of all pharmacy colleges and authorities like AICTE and PCI should consider listing this as one of the reference books for professional and forensic pharmacy subjects. The book can also be a good memento to be gifted in various occasions.


a. Preface to Presidential Wisdom (DBA Narayana)
b. Acknowledgements (DBA Narayana)
c. Foreword to Quintessential Wisdom (Professor Harkishan Singh)
d. Preface to Quintessential Wisdom II (DBA Narayana)
e. Foreword to Quintessential Wisdom II (Professor Harkishan Singh)
f. Abbreviations

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