Pharmacognosy (D.Pharm)  
  by A.N. Kalia
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-76-4; 1st Ed. 2025, pp.viii+312

   Delhi price: 300      Outside Delhi price: 315      Overseas price : 900

 About The Book  

  This Pharmacognosy textbook comprises 12 chapters, with a focus on the medicinal uses of various naturally derived drugs. It covers the occurrence, distribution, isolation, and identification tests of natural drug substances and common phytoconstituents, emphasising their therapeutic activity and pharmaceutical applications. The book also explores the biological sources, chemical constituents of prescribed crude drugs, and their therapeutic efficacy in addressing common diseases and ailments. Additionally, it discusses fundamental concepts in quality control of crude drugs, various systems of medicine, and the utilisation of herbs in health foods and cosmetics.
  The textbook provides insights into the brief history, development, scope, and future prospects of pharmacognosy. The in-depth coverage aims to assist Diploma Pharmacy students in identifying crucial natural crude drugs, describing the uses of herbs in nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals, discussing principles of alternative medicine systems, and understanding the importance of quality control in drugs of natural origin.


1. Scope of Pharmacognosy
    Present Status
    Scope of Pharmacognosy (Biological discipline)
    (b) Phytochemical discipline
    (c) Production of Raw Material
    (d) Ethnopharmacology and traditional medicine
    (e) Industrial applications
    (f) Academic’s
    (g) Government employment
    (h) Drug discovery and development
    Future prospectus
    Key points
    Review questions     

2. Classification of Crude Drugs
    (i) Groups of crude drugs (Organised & Unorganised)
    (ii) Classification of drugs (Alphabetical, Taxonomical,
    Morphological, Pharmacological properties,
    Major chemical constituents
    Chemotaxonomically characters based classification)
    Key points
    Review Questions     

3. Quality Control of Crude Drugs
    (i) Adulteration of crude drugs (Types, and methods of adulterations)
    (ii) Deterioration of herbal drugs
    (iii) Evaluation of crude drugs (Organoleptic, morphological,
    microscopical, physical, chemical & biological)
    key point
    Review questions     

4. Pharmaceutical Applications of Secondary Metabolites
    Identification tests
    therapeutic effects
    pharmaceutical applications of:—
      volatile oils
    key point
    Review questions     

5. Biological Source, Chemical Constituents, and Therapeutic Efficacy of Drugs
    Laxative Drugs:
      (Aloe vera gel, Castor oil, Ispaghula, Senna)
    Cardiotonic Drugs:
      (Digitalis, Arjuna bark)
    Carminative & G.I. Regulators Drugs:
      (Coriander, Fennel, Cardamom, Ginger,
      Clove, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Asafoetida, & Nutmeg)
    Astringents Drugs:
      & (Myrobalan, Black catechu, & Pale catechu)
    Drugs acting on Nervous system
      (Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Ephedra, Opium,
      Coffee seeds, Tea leaves, Cocoa seeds, & Coca leaf)
    Antihypertensive drugs
    Anti-Tussive Drugs
      (Vasaka leaves, & Tolu balsam)
    Anti-rheumatics (Colchicum)
    Anti-tumour (Vinca & Podophyllum)
    Antidiabetics drugs
       (Pterocarpus, & Gymnema)
    Diuretics drugs
      (Gokhru & Punarnava)
    Anti-dysenteric drugs
    Antiseptic & disinfectant drugs
      (Benzoin, Myrrh, Neem, & Turmeric)
    Antimalerial drugs
      (Cinchona,& Artemisia)
    Oxytocic drug
    Vitamins drugs
      (Cod liver oil,& Shark liver oil)
      (Papaya, Diastase, Pancreatin, & Yeast)
    Pharmaceutical Aids
      (Kaolin, Lanolin, Bees wax, Acacia,
      Tragacanth, Sodium alginate, Agar, Guar gum and Gelatin)
    Miscellaneous drugs
      (Squill, Galls, Guggul, Ashwagandha, Tulsi)
    Key points
    Review questions     

6. Plant Fibers used as Surgical Dressings
    Absorbent cotton/cotton
      (Preparation, description, chemical constituents,
       identification test and surgical uses)
      (preparation, types, composition,
       test for identification and uses)
      (preparation, description, microscopical observations,
       composition, physical chemical tests, and uses)
    Regenerated fibres
    Surgical Suture and ligature
    Key point
    Review questions     

7. Traditional Systems of Medicine
    (i) Basic principles, concept of disease, and medicines of:
      Unani, and
      Homeopathy systems of medicine
    (ii) Introduction, preparations, Standardisation and storage of:
      (Asava & Arista)
      Churna & Kwatha churna
      Avaleha & Paka
    Key point
    Review questions     

8. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and the National Economy
    Factors effecting the National Economy
      (Human resources, Physical capital, Natural resources);
    Medicinal and Aromatic plants;
    Role of Medicinal & Aromatic plants in National Economy
      (Employment generation,
      Research & innovation,
      Pharmaceutical industry,
      Agriculture & farming,
      Tourism & ecotourism,
      Traditional Knowledge,
      Export & international trade)
    Export potential of medicinal & Aromatic Plants
      Factors effecting export potential
      Medicinal plants exported from India;
    Key points
    Review questions     

9. Herbs as a Health Food
    (i) Nutraceuticals
      (Definition/s, global market,
      classification, Rules & Regulations,
      key players and Top nutraceuticals companies in India,
      Health benefits,
      and therapeutic applications)
    (ii) Categories of Ingredients:
    natural sources,
    therapeutical applications of:
      Dietary fibres,
      Omega-3 fatty acids,
    (iii) Biological source,
    chemical constituents,
    health benefits,
    marketed preparations of:
    Review questions     

10. Herbal Formulations
    Brief history,
    Oral dosage form
      (Herbal : tea,
      essential oils,
      aromatic water,
    Solid dosage forms
      & capsules)
    Topical Herbal Formulations
      Plaster & Patches,
    Liquid External use herbal formulations
      Eye drops)
    Novel Drug Delivery Formulations
      & Nanoparticles)
    Review questions
11. Herbal Cosmetics
    (i) Introduction
    (ii) Sources (Biological and geo-graphical),
    chemical constituents,
    cosmetic preparations,
    therapeutic uses
    and commercial preparations)
    of plant derived cosmetic ingredients:
      Aloe vera gel,
      Almond oil,
      Olive oil,
      Rosemary oil,
      Lavender oil,
      and Sandalwood oil
    Key point
    Review questions     

12. Phytochemicals Investigation of Drugs
    (ii) Steps involved in investigation,
    (iii) Extraction methods
      and Soxhlet extraction);
    (iv) Solvents; Phytochemical groups;
    (v) Chemical tests for phytochemical investigation
      Phenolic compounds,
      Volatile oils,
      and Organosulphur compounds);
      Review questions