Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  by Nitin Mahurkar & O.S. Kamalapurkar
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-54-4; 1st Ed. 2011; pp.viii+280;

   Delhi price: 250      Outside Delhi price: 265      Overseas price : 350

 About The Book  

The knowledge of Pharmacokinetics has become a thrust area for optimising safe and efficacious drug therapy and minimising the potential toxicity. The services of pharmacists are now being widely recognised in modern hospitals and clinics practicing individualization of drug therapy (IDT) and also for optimization of drug therapy (ODT).


 1 Introduction to Pharmacokinetics, Rates and Orders
    of Reactions

 2 Factors Related to Drug Absorption

 3 Drug Distribution and Protein Binding

 4 Drug Metabolism

 5 Clearance of Drugs

 6 Bioavailability and Bioequivalence

 7 Introduction to Pharmacokinetic Compartment

 8 One-Compartment Modeling

 9 Multicompartment Models

10 Model Independent Descriptions

11 Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics

12 Drug Selection, Dosage Regimen and Treatment in

13 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

14 Analytical Aspects of the TDM

15 TDM of Selective Drugs

16 Drug Interactions

17 Pharmacovigilance (PV)

18 Biostatistics

appendix : Frequently Asked Questions