Handbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II
  by H.R. Batra
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-01-6; 1st Ed. 2015, Corrected Rpt 2019; pp.viii+224

   Delhi price: 180      Outside Delhi price: 190      Overseas price : 540

 About The Book  

  “Hand Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II”, is as per the diploma course in pharmacy syllabus prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India, for Diploma Pharmacy students. As per the requirements the emphasis is given on the introduction of individual group of drugs, structure, chemical name, properties, storage, stability, popular brand names, formulations and their uses. The chemical names are as per IUPAC. system. Some new molecules of various groups of drugs available in the market have also been added.


1. Nomenclature of Organic Chemical Systems

2. Antiseptics and Disinfectants

3. Sulphonamides—History and Development

4. Antileprotic Drugs

5. Anti-tubercular Drugs

6. Antiamoebic and Anthelmintic Drugs

7. Antibiotics

8. Antifungal Agents

9. Antimalarials

10. Tranquillisers (Antipsychotics)

11. Hypnotics and Sedatives

12. General Anaesthetics

13. Antidepressant Drugs

14. Analeptics

15. Adrenergic Drugs (Sympathomimetic Agents)

16. Adrenergic Antagonists

17. Cholinergic Drugs

18. Cholinergic Antagonists (Cholinergic Blocking Agents)

19. Diuretics

20. Cardiovascular Drugs


21. Hypoglycemic Agents

22. Coagulants and Anticoagulants

23. Local Anaesthetics

24. Histamine and Antihistaminic Agents

25. Analgesics and Antipyretics

26. Non-Steroidal Antiinflammatory Agents

27. Thyroxine and Antithyroid Drugs

28. Diagnostic Agents

29. Anticonvulsants

30. Cardiac Glycosides

31. Anti-arrhythmic Drugs

32. Antihypertensive Agents

33. Vitamins

34. Steroids

35. Antineoplastic Drugs

36. Antianginal Agents

37. Urinary Tract Anti-infective Agents

38. Antiviral Agents

I Glossary of Medical Terms
II Model Questions of Pharmaceutical Chemistry