“One truly successful laboratory experiment is worth hundred research papers” —
D. Dovenport
The handbook in IDA of APA (Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis) gives detailed account of each experiment. Principle, Reference, Materials Required, Procedure, Solutions, Standardisation, Instrumentation, Tabulation, Calculation etc. are given in essential detail. At the end of the experiment few questions are given, so that, students can sharpen their knowledge about the experiment.
In the beginning of the handbook, two pages are devoted to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for systematic working in the lab. List of experiments, scheme of evaluation, and Model question paper of annual practical and theory exams are included for students reference and preparation in advance.
Given also are the list of pure drugs, formulation, instruments, important glasswares and chemicals required for the experiments included in the handbook. This helps to plan the experiments well in advance and to procure the materials before the commencement of the exercise.
The book is being effectively used by the students of B.Pharm. across the country.